Tag palio

Palio canceled in July, low probability of the August Palio

Yesterday afternoon, Mayor De Mossi proposed a resolution in the city council to cancel the Palio of July 2 due to the restrictive measures that the pandemic entails and which means that the state of emergency in Italy will last…

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Emanuele Montomoli: “In 2021 it will be very difficult to ride the two traditional Palios”

In recent days, scientist Emanuele Montomoli, vaccine expert and CEO of Vismederi, was interviewed in the Canale 3 Toscana program “Brandano – le voci della Città”. Among the many questions, he was also asked for an opinion on the two…

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Palio 2020: new dates are August 22 and September 26, although the final decision will be made between May 10 and May 15

Yesterday, April 1, the mayor, the rettore and the magistrato delle contrade, the 17 priors as well as the deans and vice deans of the captains gathered at the town hall in the Sala delle Lupa. They came together to…

Read MorePalio 2020: new dates are August 22 and September 26, although the final decision will be made between May 10 and May 15